Tea'ze A More
Once Upon a Time
Recently, I was asked, “Why did you choose to start a tea company?” My answer was quick and simple. I love tea and I wanted to share my passion with everyone. Tea has always had a special meaning to me and when an opportunity, was presented, to turn my passion into a professional career, I grabbed it.
As a teenager, I fondly remember my father drinking a variety of teas, his favorite being Earl Grey. During those years, my family purchased their tea in tea bags not realizing that loose leaf teas had a stronger flavor and could be steeped more often. Times spent drinking tea with my dad were memorable and have added to my enjoyment of tea.
Every inspiration has its moment and I had mine while attending a tea party at a friend’s home. It was one of those moments that you never forget. The aroma of the fresh tea, followed by its remarkable taste, awoke all my senses. The hostess was associated with a direct market tea company and was introducing us to the teas. Over several more tastings, she mentioned that there was an opening at the company. I knew this was a job I would truly enjoy and without any hesitation, I decided to join the company. I knew I had found my true passion after winning awards as one of the top five sellers in the country. Having received this accolade for several years, I had a lightbulb moment that was my inspiration for Tea’ze A More.
The journey to launch Tea’ze A More was long and, at times, arduous but I was fully committed to bringing my passion to all tea lovers. As a woman-owned, small business, I had a lot to learn but that never stopped me. Immersing myself in this incredible world has allowed me to use my skills and creativity to hone my craft. To this day, I am still a student of tea, experimenting with new tastes and blends every day. With every new tea, I think of my father and while he is no longer with us, I know he would have been my best customer.